Rifugio Bonacossa Allievi
- Region: Lombardia
- Mountain Group: Masino – Bregaglia – Disgrazia
- Ubication: Val Masino
- Latitude and longitude: Lat 46.287694 Long 9.663556
- Map n.92 Kompass 1:50000
- Altitude: 2385
- Opening Times: from 16/07/2020 to mid-September every day. In case of snow or bad weather forecast we recommend contacting the keeper to verify the opening of the refuge
- Keeper: Miriam Ferreri
- Telephone: 0342 614200
- Web: – www.rifugi.lombardia.it/sondrio/val-masino/rifugio-allievi-bonacossa.html
- Beds: 70
Bonacossa Refuge was inaugurated in 1988 as an expansion of the previous Allievi Refuge of 1897, and was dedicated to the memory of two Bonacossa brothers, Aldo famous alpinist and writer, and Alberto, celebrity of Italian sport and President of CAI Milano from 1930 to 1937.
From San Martino Valmasino continue on the road towards Bagni di Valmasino till the second bend, then take the road that leads to the parking lot of Gatto Rosso Inn. From here continue on the muletrack along the stream to Di Mello Valley, pass Cascina Piana lawns and in a short time reach a fork in the road near a big boulder. Take the path on the left, lightly visible at the beginning between grass and rocks, well marked later when it begins to climb. After crossing a pine grove, we arrive above the waterfall of Zocca Stream, pass over a bridge and reach Casera di Zocca, located at 1725 m. A steeper path leads to Piano di Zocca (2070 m), then gradually goes up to the right, crosses a stream, and arrives at the refuge (4,00 h).