Rifugio Carlo Porta

  • Region: Lombardia
  • Mountain Group: Gruppo delle Grigne
  • Ubication: Pian dei Resinelli
  • Latitude and Longitude: Lat 45.910362 Long 9.395972
  • Map : N.91 Kompass 1:50000
  • Altitude: 1.426
  • Opening Times: Every day. In case of bad weather forecast or snow we recommend contacting the keeper to verify the opening of the refuge.
  • Telephone: 3757727440
  • Keeper: Iris Gherbesi
  • Beds: 45


Carlo Porta Refuge, named after the famous poet who wrote in Milanese dialect, is a historical buiding. Built in 1911 thanks to the vision and the loan of a group of members of CAI Milano, it has been one of the first examples of a “refuge-hotel” in the history of CAI. The refuge is encircled by fir tree woods, Giulia’s Woods, a gift of doctor Porta, descendant of the poet himself, and of the Clerici family. It is in a strategic position for the various excursions and climbings in  Southern Grigna.

From the end of summer 2013, the heating system of the refuge uses biomasses, obtained through careful management of the adjacent woods, with reduction of Co2 emissions and evident environmental benefits.

The project was realized thanks to generous contribution of CARIPLO FOUNDATION.



From Milan take SS 36, at km 50 (bridge over Adda River) take New SS 36,  direction Valsassina. At the roundabout in Ballabio, immediately after the exit from the last gallery of New SS 36, take the mountain road that with 14 tight bends climbs up to Pian dei Resinelli (1278 m). Leave the car in the big parking lot.

The refuge is located a few hundred metres away, and it is easily reached on foot, by taking a flight of stairs from the parking lot, then following  Carlo Mauri road.